Taking the Piss, 2022

Insight — Feminist theories argue that public space is not designed to include women. Public toilets serve as a prime example of this: endless queues for the ladies, sex segregation, an epidemic of public toilet closures, pay to pee, and terribly designed facilities. 

Solution — Taking the Piss is a tabloid newspaper publishing my dissertation on the topic. As a relevant and relatively unknown topic, Taking the Piss was shared in pre-existing tabloid stands in order to disseminate the information with the public in an unmissable manner.
    The publication includes an 8000 word essay, bibliography, list of figures, 17 images and a double-sided protest sign on the centre spread.
    The photographic design decisions are informed by the uncomfortable nature of gender-biased public space design. The display typography used (Carrie by Vocal Type) is based on original suffragette signage and the body copy is female designed (Tablet Gothic by Veronika Burian).
︎︎︎ Editorial design, art direction, copywriting